What ISLAM really is 1

What ISLAM really is 1

In this video Sheikh Abdurraheem Green and Sheikh Abdurrahmaan Al-Dimishqia give daw'ah to people at the Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London, England. br br Sheikh Abdurraheem Green br br that this book alone stood out as being of divine origin. He embraced Islam in 1987 and became known as Abdurraheem Green. Since then he has been actively involved in Daw'ah around br br the UK and abroad. He has travelled extensively throughout the world sharing his knowledge of Islam and calling mankind to the worship of the One True Lord - Allah, and has authored br br several papers which have been published on the internet. br br Tags:islam muslim moslem muslims moslems muslimworld islamicworld islamic world peace salam salem islaam islamist ilamismus western media western propaganda tv propaganda mtv viva br br mtv prosieben rtl2 rtl sat1 volksverdummungsprogramme viva=volksverdummung mehr nackte haut und immer weniger verstand In western philosophy Rationality Reasoning try to use your Mind and logic conscience converted to islam converted 2 islam convert to muslim moslem be a true muslim a true moslem not a terrorist who is following the media but someone who follows quran and sunna koran coran christian converted to the truth islam ,christianity the pagan religion pagan origine nothing to do with jesus a.

User: fairfighter

Views: 1.7K

Uploaded: 2008-02-25

Duration: 17:35

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