Camp - hotelmodern

Camp - hotelmodern

An enormous scale model of Auschwitz fills the stage. Overcrowded barracks, a railway track, a gateway with the words "Arbeit Macht Frei". Hotel Modern attempts to imagine the unimaginable: the greatest mass murder in history, committed in a purpose-built city. br br Sixty years after its evacuation, Auschwitz has become a dark icon of the modern era, a mythical catastrophe, almost a fairytale. What occurred there is difficult to believe, sometimes even for those who experienced it. In CAMP, Hotel Modern attempts to re-enact the historical reality. br br The model of the camp is brought to life onstage: thousands of 3" tall handmade puppets represent the prisoners and their executioners. The actors move through the set like giant war reporters, filming the horrific events with miniature cameras; the audience becomes the witness.

User: ZNORT !

Views: 197

Uploaded: 2008-02-26

Duration: 01:03

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