17 Objets Que Les Personnes NéEs AprèS 2000 Ne ConnaîTront Jamais

17 Objets Que Les Personnes NéEs AprèS 2000 Ne ConnaîTront Jamais

I use to work for a cell phone company and I am convinced people who did this little dance weren't dense they were trying to be clever and hoped eventually I would get annoyed enough to turn the service back on... br [] When I used to work as a cashier in a grocery store, every once in awhile a person would start writing a check, stop and look around, and go "Where am I again?". You seriously need to slow down if you can't even remember what store you're in. br [] Ya, refreshers in Ireland br [] Archer br [] Only if she gets cranky for extended period of time. br [] br my point is that poor people need to constantly remind themselves to be happy with what they have br br br What's rich? If you can buy a Ferrari? Well for your Ferrari some other guy has a helicopter and you need to learn to be happy with just your Ferrari while you're stuck in traffic and he's buzzing along to wherever he wants to go in his helicopter. br br The guy with the helicopter is pissed at the guy with the private jet who goes to the airport through the back door and can invite 8 hookers with him to jet off to the beach to party. br br The guy with the private jet looks in envy at the guy who has his own 747. br br When you get to the very top you see Warren Buffet who could have anything but really doesn't give a flying fuck and everyone else is jealous of him because they wish they could just not care about all of this material bullshit that they center their lives around. br br So yeah ideally everyone has the same problem, of having to learn to be content with what they have because there is always someone higher up on the food chain with better stuff. More houses, better houses. More girls, better girls. More cars, better cars. More watches, better watches. More and better everything. br br The truly rich man is the guy who can watch a sunset and have that make him happy instead of any material bullshit. Everyone shares that in common. Because the material bullshit is just a never ending treadmill of "more and better" or else it's "shit." Everyone is in that same boat together. br [] Can you reword this? It makes no sense. br [] I believe it's because the jump didn't happen over a body of water so it didn't start the dive animation br [] Because in the US being married provides tax benefits as well, just not by claiming them as a dependant br [] ALL THE PORN IN THE WORLD br [] This was pretty epic. br [] Thanks for the reply, didn't expect that so deep in the comments. br br In France they are sadly not clean, and falling appart it would seem :( br br br prosecution and sentencing schemes. br br br As a non lawyer and non us citizen that doesn't tell me much actually... can you elaborate ? br [] Does tobacco count as a disease? br [] Last year, shortly after my brother killed himself, I was left alone at my house taking care of my cousin's baby, a 5 month old. The baby was sick and I have been trying to put him to sleep for about three hours straight, tried to give him his medicine and kept moving him around my arms but he would not stop crying. I've had enough of it. I broke down in a mixture of anger and desperation because no matter what I tried, he kept crying. I put him in his stroller and started walking around the house, still crying. I gave up. I decided to walk upstairs to get his baby bottle to see if that somehow would work. While I was in the middle of walking up the stairs, I heard like someone kissed the baby in the forehead, it was loud enough to make me stop and think a bit. The baby calmed down a bit and I did not even thought about going back downstairs without the bottle. It was the first time I thought I had someone looking out for me and the baby. I never told anyone I know. br [] A shoe br [] Myself. br [] Plot armor br [] They should etch the word 'answers' at the bottom. br [] Not me but my mom. She decided after a particularity hard day to take her bra off while driving. For some reason, apparently the window was open, but since it didn't involve removing her shirt she didn't mind. 40DD bra went out the window in the wind, flying away like the majestic creature it was. br [] That's an interesting concept, so would billionaires essentially live forever? Assuming they are constantly making moneytime like artists or celebrities br [] It's not like call of duty where you just press 2 to switch weapons instantly. br [] The next book by George R. R. Martin... A Shitstorm of Sparrows br [] Health insurance premiums have doubled for working class folks. BLM, a terrorist group, has been legitimized by the president. Race relations are at their all time worst also. br [] Explains the tention in your face and how well you've made us feel it. Thank you for using a buttplug br [] In all seriousness, congratulations that is awesome and an huge accomplishment. On a lighter note, what you doing later? I'm in Indiana, hit me up.

User: Ila  

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2016-06-28

Duration: 01:40

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