Buster Crabbe as a Prizefighter on His Way to the Title!

Buster Crabbe as a Prizefighter on His Way to the Title!

Packing a sizeable punch of heart and drama, The Contender is a vintage cinematic boxing experience. Boxing in the 1940s rose up from the “club” level, where local hardworking men would duke it out after a long day on the job – not the pampered professionals in the sport today. Our hardworking man in this film is none other than Buster Crabbe, a two time Olympic medalist who became a fixture of Hollywood movies. Crabbe decides to try prizefighting to take in extra bread – and he finds himself to be an excellent pugilist! Not only can he pay for his son’s private school, he’s on his way to becoming a champion. Unfortunately, he also encounters the pitfalls of fame: booze, dames, and outrageous nightlife. Crabbe’s gusto in life mirrors his vicious antics in the ring, sending The Contender to a rousing finish.

User: Quality Information Publishers

Views: 2

Uploaded: 2008-03-11

Duration: 01:18

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