2009 East Asian Games - Mascot Dony and Ami Animation

2009 East Asian Games - Mascot Dony and Ami Animation

The introductory animation to the 2009 East AsSian Games Mascot Dony and Ami to the public. The mascots were designed by David Leung & Mou Mo br br “Dony” and “Ami” are the mascots for the 2009 East Asian Games – the first and largest-scale international multi-sport games in Hong Kong’s history. Fire and lion are the creative elements for the design. Fire has many different forms; it radiates light and heat, representing the flexibility of Hong Kong people. Lion, on the other hand, is the symbol for strength and confidence. Below the Lion Rock, Hong Kong people nurtured a mutually helping and continuously striving spirit. br br The hair of “Dony” and “Ami” symbolizes fire and their faces radiate the confidence of a lion, which reflects the mutual helping of “Below the Lion Rock” spirit and the ever-changing characteristic of fire. The pattern on their bodies is “fireworks” that echoes the current emblem and exhibits the colours of the five Olympic rings. Not only do they represent people of different races gathering in Hong Kong, they also represent the cohesive force which brings people of Hong Kong to participate in the Games, as well as the sportsmanship which is carried forward and beyond, that is, to break the barriers between territory and people with sports.

User: Ikarus360

Views: 10

Uploaded: 2008-03-14

Duration: 00:51

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