Hello Medellin SEO

Hello Medellin SEO

br br br br How to Maximize Your Business Success with SEO in Medellin br br Everyone and company with online presence daily wants to bring their business in front of eager buyers. It is not surprising then that there is high competition to rank first in search engines. Search Engine Optimization (or simply SEO) is the process of getting a web page to rank high or appear among the results on the first page in search engines such as Yahoo, Google, or Bing. If you have a website and selling a product or service, you need to learn the art and science of doing SEO. By science, we mean all efforts and processes of optimizing the web page, as well as building effective backlinks campaign. By art, we are referring to your mindset, including being consistent, diligent, and patient even in the face with failure initially. In this piece, we are going to discuss how to effectively maximize your business success with SEO and what search engines use to rank your site. br br br br Off Page on Page SEO br br Off page, SEO is a technique that is used to improve the position of a website in the search engine results page (SERPs). Some people think off-page SEO is the same with link building but, it is not. Off Page, SEO deals with promotion methods. On the other hand, on page SEO are those factors that have a bearing on your web page listing in search engine results such as HTML code, Meta tags, and keyword. We discuss some of these below. br br Keyword br br This is the first part of search engine optimization technique to be applied. Search engines will need your keyword to determine how relevant your site is to the search query. The keyword should be in your website Url, title, and tags. In addition, the keyword should be in the article or copy on your website. It should be appropriately position in the copy, especially in the first and last sentences. It is also beneficial to link one instance of your keyword either to the home page or to the landing page.

User: Medellinseo

Views: 3

Uploaded: 2016-11-03

Duration: 01:19

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