Woody TOY STORY Buzz lightyear as DISNEY CARS│Transforming games & Coloring book│Videos for kids

Woody TOY STORY Buzz lightyear as DISNEY CARS│Transforming games & Coloring book│Videos for kids

Hello Little Transformers,\rbr\rbrToday we watch Buzz Lightyear and Woody Changing into DISNEY CARS.\rbr\rbrHola pequeños Transformadores,\rbr\rbrHoy Buzz bightyear y Woody se disfrazan de DISNEY CARS.\rbr\rbr……………………………………………………………………………\rbr\rbrWelcome to TRANSFORMING YOUR SUPERHERO - FUN VIDS FOR KIDS the new Channel for Children of all ages : babies, 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old toddlers, preschoolers, kids, children, parents and all people who like having fun with friendly videos and cartoon animations. \rbr\rbrHERE WE HAVE THE BEST VIDEOS IN HIGH DEFINITION (HD) OF ALL SUPER HEROES TRANSFORMING INTO ALL KINDS OF FUN CHARACTERS.\rbr\rbrHERE WE PLAY, TRANSFORM, CHANGE, DRAW, PAINT, COLOUR ALL YOUR FAVORITES SUPERHEROES AND ALL THEIR FRIENDS IN 3D.\rbr\rbrNOW LETS PLAY WITH US AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN. \rbr\rbrBienvenidos a TRANSFORMAR SUPERHÉROES – VIDEOS PARA NINOS el nuevo canal para los niños de todas las edades : bebés, 1 año de edad 2 años de edad 3 años de edad, preescolares, chicos, hijos, padres y todos los que se gustan divertirse con dibujos animados y videos divertidos.\rbr\rbrAQUI TENEMOS LOS MEJORES VIDEOS EN ALTA DEFINICION DE TODOS LOS SUPERHEROES TRANSFORMANDOSE EN TODOS LOS TIPOS DE PERSONAJES. \rbr\rbrAQUI PUEDES JUGAR, TRANSFORMAR, VESTIR, CAMBIAR, PINTAR, COLOREAR, DIBUJAR TODOS TUS FAVORITOS SUPERHEROES Y TODOS SUS AMIGOS EN 3D.\rbr\rbrAHORA, VAMOS A JUGAR Y DIVIRTIRNOS.\rbr……………………………………………………………………………\rbr\rbrIf you ENJOY what you see, please click the “LIKE” button.\rbr\rbrIf you want MORE SURPRISES, join the club and click the SUBSCRIBE button (one click and free). Check out our channel TRANSFORMING YOUR SUPERHERO – VIDS FOR KIDS for new videos.\rbr\rbrWe hope our videos can make your children and family members happy !\rbr\rbrTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT LITTLE TRANSFORMERS\rbr\rbrSi te gusta lo que ve, por favor haga clic en el boton «ME GUSTA».\rbr\rbrSi quiere mas sorpresas, unete al club y clic en el boton «SUSCRIBIRSE» (un clic y gratis).\rbr\rbrEsperamos que nuestros videos podran hacer felices sus hijos y miembros de su familia !\rbr\rbrGRACIAS POR SU APOYO PEQUENOS TRANSFORMADORES\rbr……………………………………………………………………………\rbr\rbrHi boys,\rbr\rbrDo you like MARVEL COMICS as SPIDERMAN BATMAN IRON MAN SUPERMAN HULK THOR CAPTAIN AMERICA TRANSFORMERS DEADPOOL X-MEN WOLVERINE ? \rbrMaybe you prefer PAW PATROL or PEPPA PIG ? DISNEY CARS ? NINJA TURTLES ? THE GOOD DINOSAUR ? TOY STORY ? INSIDE OUT ? AMIIBO ? TSUM TSUM ?\rbrDo you want to play with ZOOTOPIA ? MASHA AND THE BEAR ? MICKEY MOUSE ? POKEMON ? MARIO ? TOM AND JERRY ? T-REX DINOSAUR ? SIMPSON ? SCOOBI-DOO ? ANGRY BIRDS ? \rbr\rbrHi girls,\rbr\rbrDo you love DISNEY PRINCESSES Anna and ELSA ? \rbrMaybe you prefer VIOLETTA or MONSTER HIGH? \rbrWould you like to play with LITTLE MERMAID ? HELLO KITTY ? BARBIE ? DORA ?\rbr……………………………………………………………………………\rbr\rbrThe channel is all about learning animations and educational videos while having fun and play with all characters from the best cartoon series that you see on TV in full episodes. \rbr\rbrWith our funny animations and crazy cartoons, you can practice in real life and learn everything children and kids learn at school : colours (red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple, white, black) coloring drawing painting drawing, numbers (123 song), alphabet (ABC song), animals (jungle, farm, birds, mountain, sea), vocabulary , body (feet, hand, finger, eyes, ears, hairs, nose, mouth, legs), nursery rhymes (Finger Family, Jumping on the bed, Five little Monkeys).\rbr\rbrEl canal se trata de aprendizaje animacion y videos educativos para ninos mientras se divierten jugan con todos los personajes de los mejores series de television y dibujos animados de episodios completos.\rbr\rbrCon nuestras divertidas animaciones y dibujos animados, puedes practicar en la vida real y aorender todo lo que muchachos muchachas aprenden en la escuela : colores (rojo, verde, amarillo, azul, rosa, violeta, negro, blanco) colorear pintar dibujar, numeros (cancion 123), alfabeto (cancion ABC), animales (jungla, selva, aves, montana, granja, mar), vocabulario, cuerpo (ojos, manos, pies, cejas, labios, nariz, pierna, boca, pelos), canciones rimas infantiles de cuna (cancion de la famila Dedos, saltando en la cama, cinco pequenos monos).\rbr……………………………………………………………………………\rbr\rbrMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\rbrLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.

User: Augustusfareweather42

Views: 3

Uploaded: 2016-11-16

Duration: 01:35

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