Morocco slum 'bred suicide bomber'

Morocco slum 'bred suicide bomber'

In Casablanca's slums, many people are unemployed and families of up to twelve people are left to live in a single room, that did make it so easy for moroccans violent jihadist organisations to emerge over the past few years in shanty towns on the edges of cities, inhabited by the despised and forgotten migrants from the countryside. They are creating the conditions for a rebellion born of despair. br br The cause of global jihad is no longer confined to peripheral areas such as Afghanistan, Chechnya or former Yugoslavia. It is now striking at the heart of the Arab Muslim world, with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Morocco directly in the firing line. br The bomb attacks in Casablanca revealed the existence of a new form of fundamentalism - takfir (1). Takfirists are no longer content to fight the United States or the "Zionist entity"; they brand Muslim leaders, and all their direct or indirect supporters, as infidels (kafir) and condemn them as apostates. They preach political violence as a means of forcing states to return "to the laws of God and the society of the Prophet of original Islam". Their aim is not only to overturn unpopular and corrupt regimes but to cleanse the existing political order. br At present the only serious threat to Morocco is the unification of the fundamentalist militias in the cities in a single national organisation. For now, the groups are split and lack a unified command.


Views: 280

Uploaded: 2008-06-13

Duration: 01:48

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