Wisdom - DnB (DJ Galactic)

Wisdom - DnB (DJ Galactic)

Live Jam Session (DJ Galactic) with Korg Electribe Sampler 2 ESX2 (DJ Galactic). Free track here Wisdom (DnB Prototype). Jamming is the way to reach limitless music experience; in a world where everything has to look perfect, jamming is taking risks with mistakes and strength, maybe that's the price to pay to reach one day the wisdom. Feel free to leave your comments Peace! br Electro Jazz Nu DnB Drum & Bass Jungle br br br Official website br br br Instagram br br br Facebook br br br Mixcloud br br br br Soundcloud br br br Twitter br br br Blog br br br Tumblr br br br By DJ Galactic 2017 all Right Reserved br contact@djgalactic.

User: djgalactic

Views: 69

Uploaded: 2017-07-05

Duration: 05:19

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