Motor Skill Learning for 4-5 year olds: Week 1 Child Development Training Online

By : Fapififok

Published On: 2017-09-28



Motor Skill Learning for 4-5 year olds: Week 1\r
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1. Reion\r
1. Make a circle with thumb & index finger around a stick or racquet.\r
2. Drop the racquet and your child res so quickly to snap the racquet before it drops on the floor.\r
3. Tip 1: the more of the stick is above the hand around the stick, the easier.\r
4. Tip 2: the more your child closes his hand around the racquet, the easier.\r
5. The goal is to catch the stick as quickly as possible.\r
6. Give your child 10 tries and adjust the exercise so they can catch the stick at least 5x before it drops on the floor.\r
7. Then 10 tries with the left hand.\r
8. It is important to do all exercises with both the preferred and non-preferred side for best improvements.\r
2. Differentiation\r
1. Kid stands behind a line and tries to throw a ball into a bucket about a yard away.\r
2. Move the bucket 1 foot further after each successful throw into the bucket.\r
3. Choose a bucket large enough that kids can throw the ball into it within 5-6 throws\r
4. Switch to your left hand.\r
3. Hand - Eye Coordination\r
1. Toss a bouncy ball like a racquetball onto the ground.\r
2. Ideally with a cone or bucket, make the ball stop on the ground.\r
3. The more the ball bounces, the more difficult it is to stop it.\r
4. To increase the challenge, toss the ball away from you.\r
4. Balance\r
1. Stand on one leg & lift the other leg to\r
a 90 degree angle.\r
2. Circle a ball around the leg lifted 5 times in a row,\r
ideally while maintaining balance on one leg.\r
3. Even circling once is a good start at that age\r
as balance on one leg is still difficult to maintain.\r
5. Orientation\r
1. Hit up a balloon with either hand 5 times in a row\r
without it touching the ground.\r
2. Blow up the balloon to a size for kids to be successful\r
after a few tries.\r
3. If the balloon is too small, use a larger balloon to\r
decrease the challenge.\r
4. To increase the challenge, have kids use one hand only.\r
5. This will improve orientation for objects in space.\r
6. Rhythm\r
1. Jump back and forth over a line with a small split step.\r
2. First get the pattern right, then try to get into a rhythm\r
of continuous jumping.\r
3. Start by jumping one step at a time to learn the\r
correct pattern.\r
4. You can get into a slow rhythm by counting out the\r
numbers aloud and then slowly increase the speed of the\r
intervals, not easy at 4 and a half.\r
5. Eventually, have kids jump the pattern all by themselves.\r
7. Physical Activity\r
1. On stairs, walk up 2 steps, then backwards one down.\r
2. Older children can run this pattern, younger kids just walk it.\r
its a great exercise for concentration\r
3. Count out numbers aloud to make it easier to keep\r
track of the pattern.\r
4. Eventually have children move through the pattern\r
all by themselves.\r
5. Only move as fast as you can stick to the pattern.\r
child development training online\r
We work on one skill each day of the week:\r
1. Reion\r
2. Differentiation\r
3. Balance\r
4. Orientation\r
5. Rhythm\r
6. Hand - eye coordination\r
7. Physical ivity

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