Donald Trump on Fox & Friends Defends His Sentator McCain Not A Hero Comments

By : Mizufu

Published On: 2017-10-04



Donald Trump defends his comments about John McCain only being a hero because he was captured. Trump defended his remarks stating that there were many others that were there and they did come back and they get no recognition while McCain gets all the praise and attention and the others are ignored.\r
Trump goes on to day that John McCain has failed the Vets because even though he is a Vet and he is in the Senate, still nothing has been done to help the Vets with their healthcare. The VA healthcare continues to be sub-standard care, leaving many Vets without healthcare.\r
John McCain had started the war with words by attacking the people of Arizona who had attended a rally for Trump, calling the supporters crazies. McCain felt that since they were supporting Trump, they had to be anti-immigration and so he referred to them as crazies. \r
Trump responded to McCains name calling by stating that he finished last in his training and was only a hero because he got caught. Trump feels that all of the troops should be getting the recognition instead of just McCain.\r
Trump states that the only reason these GOP candidates are calling for him to step out of the campaign is because they are doing poorly in the race. Graham, Jindal and Perry are the 3 that are speaking out the most and they are the ones that are in the last places.\r
The GOP candidates should probably stay out of it and let the people make the decisions as to who is in and who is out.

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