Jyjou* l' envolee mystique, the mystical vanish...

Jyjou* l' envolee mystique, the mystical vanish...

Tres court extrait, very short trailer, of Jyjou's Paris theater piece. br that was in sunshine 2008, after three floconsflakers... br Jyjou is a french clown mime magician character. br Thanks a lot to the mime master Etienne Decroux and his famous technique corporelle. br br br Jyjou* is the french Comédien-Comedian, Actor Mime, Clown, acteur and Flower ! br Visitez son Moulin.... br Visit his Windmill.... www.jyjou.

User: JyJou * Clown, Mime, Magie pousse Fleur ...

Views: 427

Uploaded: 2008-07-16

Duration: 00:18

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