How I sort my LEGO minifigure and minidoll collection

How I sort my LEGO minifigure and minidoll collection

How do you store your minifigureminidoll collection? I divide them in special cases from the hardware store and boxes I have laying around. Also Ikea zip-lock bags. I love those.\rbrThe minifigs Ive sorted according to how I feel about them. Because thats highly scientific.\rbrThe minidolls are sorted in a way that allows me to dollify charers quickly.\rbrHair pieces are sorted by colour and hair accessories get a plastic box of their own.\rbrThe capes and wings are divided into minidoll and minifig specific boxes.\rbr\rbrI also forgot how to count while making this video. Im better now, thank you for thinking.

User: Berthamelville17

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2017-10-26

Duration: 08:20

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