Gambit Unboxing and Duel vs. Magneto | Marvel Contest of Champions

By : Kimol

Published On: 2017-10-29



Score and rank results for the Gambit arenas, Full House and Royal Flush. For these arenas I changed my strategy a bit and aimed for the 3-star featured champ only in the 4-star arena. I use an awakening gem and signature stones to bring the Ragin Cajun to Signature Ability level 8, equivalent to a single 3-star duplicate. I also show the results for reaching all the milestones in the revised Crystal Cornucopia and new Crystal Splash arenas.\r
Remy Lebeau aka Gambit spent his early days in a life of thievery before bringing his talents to the X-Men. An expert card-thrower, Gambit turns objects into explosive projectiles by charging them with kinetic energy.\r
Holding block allows Gambit to charge his weapons. Up to 10 Kinetic Charges can be gained this way, with each stack taking slightly longer than the previous one to charge up. Heavy Attacks convert the Kinetic Charges into Prowess Buffs. For each Prowess Buff, Special Attack Damage is increased for a short period of time.\r
As long as Gambit is above 80% health, the mutant has bonus Physical and Bleed Resistance.\r
Gambits first Special has a strong change to Stun his opponent, especially if the opponent has low Armor. His second Special has a strong chance to give his opponents a Concussion, which reduces Ability Accuracy for a short duration (e.g. preventing Wolverines Regen or Spider-Mans Evade). Gambits third Special has a high chance to Paralyze, stunning his opponent and reducing Power and Health gains by a significant percentage.\r
Remys Signature Ability, Ragin Cajun, improves his bonus Physical Resistance to as long as he has at least 70% health. His awakened ability also allows his Prowess Buffs to grant increased Critical Damage per stack.\r
Skip to 2:10 for Gambits champion info, 3:47 for his awakened ability, or to 4:13 to see the Ragin Cajun demonstrate his prowess over kinetic energy against the Master of Magnetism and classic X-Men rival, Magneto!

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