27 Bizzare Photos North Korea Doesnt Want You To See

By : Bubo

Published On: 2017-11-16



From scary and weird; to strange and unsettling; These are 27 BIZARRE Photos North Korea Doesnt Want You To See\r
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25. North Korea at Night\r
23. Thriving Capital?\r
21. Pyongyang Subway System\r
20. Dolphin Aquarium\r
19. Shopping in North Korea\r
18. Internet Not Available\r
17. Soldier Selfie\r
16. The Supreme Ruler\r
Kim Jung Un is without a doubt the wealthiest citizen of North Korea and in case you were wondering why they suffer from famines, all you have to do is take one good look at him to understand why. Even NorthKoreas closest ally of China has criticized him for his weight problem and hes ually demanded them to stop. Chinas social media has called him things such as Kim the Fat or Kim Half Moon. Maybe they should really call him kim Jung Unhealthy. Maybe we shouldnt trust this guy with nuclear weapons.\r
15. Food Production\r
North Korea never really experienced massive food shortages until Kim Jong Un was born in the 1980s. Coincidence? North Korea doesnt want you to know that hes been stashing it all for himself. This photo shows Kim Jong Un inspecting agricultural products but he might need some alone time.\r
14. Pure Bliss\r
Here in this photo we see him at what Kim Jung Un at a cheese fory in North Korea is rumored to have an addiction to Swiss Cheese, especially after living there as a kid. However, this is kind of a luxury and since North Korea cant obtain Swiss Cheese too easily, hes trying to make it himself. \r
12. Eye Doctor\r
North Korea lacks any kind of modern day medical equipment and due to the malnutrician, more and more people are being diagnosed with catars, leading blindness. In 2017, National Geographic released a documentary about an doctor from Nepal curing hundreds north korean Citizens. This man in the red shirt can see perfectly for the first time in years and wont be thanking the doctor for his hard work but the supreme leader of North Korea for allowing such an opportunity.\r
9. North Korea Airlines\r
In case you were wondering, yes North Korea does have an airlines called Air Koryo and taking photos in flight normally isnt allowed! This photographer was able to get a few good ones. It really ually doesnt seem as bad as you might imagine and the food looks alright, as you can see from this photo of whats served on a flight from Malaysia. But they might not want you to know that they dont have the best aircraft available and this one in the photo with the flight attendants is from the1950s! \r
6. The Military\r
Here in this photo we see a group of North Korean Soldiers marching during a military day parade. This country has a surprisingly strong army with an even stronger ally in China. As of new, with a total of 78, North Korea is the world leader in possession of submarines although this statistic is slightly debated. Nonetheless, they have an intimidating fleet of subs that are primarily used for coastal attacks. \r
5. Grass Season\r
Were not exly sure why this guy is picking up grass but some people claim that when food is running low, citizens are forced to eat grass found in fields. It could simply be used as food for livestock or other animals but after taking a look at this guy you might be convinced he is going to eat it. The tour guide really didnt want him to take a photo of it. What do you believe? \r
4. Waiting in Line\r
Most places in North Korea forbid people from owning car, fearing that they might be able to use it for an escape. The public transportation isnt the best in the world and huge lines will form in order to catch a designated bus to work.\r
3. Where Are His Parents\r
Life expectancy in North Korea has plummeted by 5 years since the 1960s and most workers in this country earn 2-3 dollars each month from the government. Normally during a good month, they might make $10 from selling goods at markets. Here we see a rogue child standing in the middle of the street for no apparent reason, without supervision, \r
2. Grab Your Bike\r
Outside of major cities cars are just non existent and bikes are the most common form of getting around here by a longshot. Seeing a car would almost be like seeing a flying saucer for these people. Here we see several villagers on their bikes and due to a national fuel shortage and lack of income, it seems like its gonna be like that for a while.\r
1.The Arch of Reunification

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