The chocolate science hype machine

By : 최고의 비디오

Published On: 2018-01-16



The dark side of mars-sponsored chocolate studies.

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Chocolate is good for health, study finds. Small study, points to chocolate as a weight-loss aid. Senior moments? Chocolate may be the answer to your problems. These are are just a few of the headlines that permeate through the web. However, these claims made in headlines about chocolate and it’s glorious benefits need to be taken with a grain of salt. Looking deeper into the studies, and the flaws of the study being short-term, with a small number of participants, and measurements of health that don’t translate well into endpoints that really matter for health. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app.

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