Atlantis: Milos Return - Disneycember

Atlantis: Milos Return - Disneycember

Sea monsters, ghost coyotes, and Odin. Why not? Doug looks at why Milo returned to this madness in Atlantis: Milos Return.\rbr\rbrGo to our Store for Awesome Stuff - \rbrGet some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - \rbrSee more at our Site: \rbrFacebook: \rbrTwitter: \rbrInstagram: \rbrLike Doug on Facebook: \rbr\rbrThe ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome.\rbr\rbrNew Nostalgia Critic s every Wednesday at 5PM CST.\rbr\rbrNew Awesome Comics s every Monday at 5PM CST.\rbr\rbrNew Top 5 BestWorst every Tuesday at 5PM CST\rbr\rbrNew Real Thoughts On s every Thursday at 5PM CST.\rbr\rbrNew Tamaras Never Seen every Saturday at 5PM CST.\rbr\rbrClassic Nostalgia Critic s are uploaded after they are cleared. TV Show Vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Same with Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and Bum Reviews.

User: Jocevowilu

Views: 8

Uploaded: 2018-01-24

Duration: 05:13

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