F.Y.R.O.M. : FOR EVER VARDARSKA - DOCUMENTARY br Vardarska Yes, Macedonia No! Falsifying Greek History br On the 4th of August 1944, right after the departure of Germans from Vardarska, Tito and Stalin took Vardarska and the Albanian-speaking region of Tetovo and created the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. In addition, they declared that the inhabitants of this new Yugoslav Republic were “Macedonians”, thus forging history in a vulgar way. It is the first appearance of the name “Macedonia” in modern times as a nation rather than an administrative division of Greece. br Therefore, it is clear that the creation of “Macedonia” as a new national entity was a way for the northerncommunist neighbours of Greece to put a claim on Greek Macedonia, and to gain access to the Aegean Sea. To advance their goal of splitting Greek Macedonia away from Greece, they offered multifaceted support to the communist side during the Greek Civil War of 1946-49. The Greek communists were defeated but Tito and the Vardarskans did not abandon their illicit designs against Greek Macedonia. Following the fall of communism in the 90ʼs, the Yugoslav Province known as the Socialist Republic of Macedonia declared independence and took the name “Republic of Macedonia”. Greece and the international community objected very strongly to this name, and the United Nations brokered the adoption of the provisional name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). br br The Government of FYROM still claims to represent “Macedonians”, descendants of the ancient Macedonians, speaking “Macedonian”, but their first President Ghligorov, in his book «Memoirs» admits that they are Bulgarians who came to the Balkans in the 6th and 7th century A.D. br The so-called “Macedonian” language is a very recent creation. This language was completely unknown until 1944 and no matter how hard one may try will find nothing to prove its existence. It is just an idiom within the self-contained Bulgarian language. The fact that there is not even one text, not one inscription, in this language before 1944 proves without doubt that this language has nothing to do with the ancient Macedonians and their descendants who always spoke Greek. The language used by the Bulgarian-speaking inhabitants of the Southern Yugoslavia and southwestern Bulgaria is a Bulgarian language. br br After the foundation of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia in 1944, Tito employed an army of philologists and scholars to create a separate written language. Taking a Bulgarian dialect spoken in Vardarska as starting point and enhancing it widely from Greek, Serbian, and other neighboring languages, a “literary language”, the so-called “Macedonian” language was created. br .) Greece rejects this name, as it revives the irredentist Bulgarian claims on the Greek province with the same name. Furthermore, it usurps the historical Greek name Macedonia and the entire heritage this name holds. br Demetrius Manolakos, B.A., LL.B.

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