How to kill a reaper in sims 4 (Breaking experiment!)

How to kill a reaper in sims 4 (Breaking experiment!)

if you enjoy the video, consider subscribing or like or share it, that would be very helpful :) thankyou\rbr\rbrsubscribe: \rbr\rbrentire list of traits cheats\rbr\rbrTRAITS\rbr• “traits.equiptrait [traitnameNoSpaces]”--Equips a particular trait for your sim\rbrExample: “traits.equiptrait SteelBladder” \rbr• “traits.removetrait [traitnameNoSpaces]”--Removes a trait\rbr• “traits.

User: Vabu

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2018-03-09

Duration: 04:41

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