Debunking Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroids & Heart Surgery Rumors | GI News

Debunking Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroids & Heart Surgery Rumors | GI News

It's been over a week since Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the godfathers of bodybuilding, went through a serious open-heart surgery. We're glad he is healthy and doing well... but unfortunately many rumors start spreading on the internet and in comments sections about the cause of such a heart br Shawn Ray gives us this special news update to lay out the facts based off of reports that have been released that debunk any connection to steroids and Arnold Schwarzenegger's heart surgery. An unfortunately stereotype of bodybuilding and fitness has reared it's ugly head during these latest news update. Luckily Shawn and the facts are here to help. Watch the full GI News report above.

User: Generation Iron Fitness Network

Views: 18

Uploaded: 2018-04-09

Duration: 03:09

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