Shawn Ray Answers: Are Pro Cards Earned Too Easily? | GI News

Shawn Ray Answers: Are Pro Cards Earned Too Easily? | GI News

Shawn Ray talks pro cards and if there are too many given out each br Recently, Dorian Yates posted a statement regarding the amount of pro cards that are rewarded each year in bodybuilding. In what is essentially one part nostalgia for a simpler time, one part criticism of the modern divisions in bodybuilding - Dorian believes that too many cards are given out. He thinks that amateurs get their pro card too easily and then are crushed when they first step onto the pro br Shawn Ray takes this statement as a jumping off point and analyzes the current state of pro cards in bodybuilding. Are there really too many handed out? Or is this just a result of more divisions... and the challenge and quality of physiques are still fairly being rewarded? Do older bodybuilders simply miss the way it used to be? Or is it really a downward spiral that needs to be addressed? Shawn touches upon every detail in our latest GI News report. Check it out above.

User: Generation Iron Fitness Network

Views: 2

Uploaded: 2018-04-26

Duration: 03:43

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