REMATE - An eye in the forehead

REMATE - An eye in the forehead

Videoclip of "An eye in the forehead" (from the new album "Safe and sound" by Remate) directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego (King of the hill). br They built just for the shooting a very special platform made with 20 movie cameras. The final cut is the result of more than 30 hours of recording. br br Primer videoclip del disco de Remate "Safe & Sound" (2008), realizado por Gonzalo López-Gallego, director de El Rey de la Montaña (con Leonardo Sbaraglia y María Valverde). br Para el rodaje se construyó una plataforma especial para rodar simultáneamente con 20 cámaras. El montaje final es el resultado de un trabajo sobre 30 horas de material en bruto.

User: mushroom pillow

Views: 6.3K

Uploaded: 2008-09-25

Duration: 03:20

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