Full E-book Scars and Stripes Forever Best Sellers Rank : #1

By : rdot-monyk

Published On: 2019-03-27



It's been fifty years since JFK's assassination and the public's demand for truth prompts Ben Douglas of the CIA to give his subordinate, Kat Hastings, a confidential assignment - find a room established by the men of Operation-40 and tell him what's inside. Not only does Kat find missing evidence that supports a conspiracy, she discovers that her estranged father, Henry Hastings, known as H2 within "The Company," is deeply involved in the plot. While working on this assignment, Kat reconnects with Robbie O'Toole, a man she would have married but for her father's intervention. Robbie has dedicated his life to exposing the truth behind the assassination and although Kat wants to share what she's learned with him, it would mean violating her CIA oath, providing evidence of her father's treason and placing Robbie's life, as well as her own, in danger as sinister forces will do anything to keep secrets secret. If she doesn't reveal what she knows, Kat helps perpetuate the cover-up of an event that, by its apparent success, encouraged subsequent abuses of power and fostered the cynicism and disengagement of the baby boomer generation.

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