Old School Stereo Equipment in Wacked Out 1950’s Film

Old School Stereo Equipment in Wacked Out 1950’s Film

This is a promotional film from RCA that introduces their significant product innovation: new stereophonic sound and recording technology! For 1957, this was exciting new technology for sound enthusiasts and home stereo equipment junkies. In fact, the film focuses on several such audiophiles who are willing to let their social relationships erode completely in favor of better sound! The film also has a nifty gimmick: you're supposed to play music on your new RCA stereo system at certain points in the film to appreciate the fine sound quality! Groovy record players and high fidelity home speakers are on display. Vintage home stereo speakers fill every home. Hi-fi is no longer new, to understate things, but this funky old video reveals how sound technology has evolved over the years.

User: Quality Information Publishers

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2008-10-30

Duration: 01:07

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