Beschneidung ist Genitalverstümmlung – Matthias Franz | 'Circumcision is Mutilation' - Matthias Franz criticizes religious circumcision [_7ZwGxhFG9I]

Beschneidung ist Genitalverstümmlung – Matthias Franz | 'Circumcision is Mutilation' - Matthias Franz criticizes religious circumcision [_7ZwGxhFG9I]

Source: br Subtitles: br Mirrors: br Bit-Chute: br br Original descriptions (line breaks and URLs will be added): br Prof. Matthias Franz interviewed by Teresa Arrieta on the occasion of the release of the book "Circumcision of boys, a sad legacy" (English subtitles available) In his work as a psychiatrist he came across the traumatic physical and psychological consequences of the ritual circumcision of boys. He then started to research the issue. What's happens to boys that are circumcised at the age of 5 to 7 years? How does it affect the relationship with the parents, especially the mother? How does it affects the relationship with women in general? His book is available in German: ... Originally uploaded by Teresa Arrieta on May 7, 2014 ...

User: CircumCrippled TV – Intactivism

Views: 3

Uploaded: 2019-09-15

Duration: 22:53

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