Dancer Omari Mizrahi on Mark Bradford’s Duck Walk | Met Collects

Dancer Omari Mizrahi on Mark Bradford’s Duck Walk | Met Collects

Featured Artwork:br br Mark Bradford (American, b. 1961). Duck Walk, 2016. Mixed media on canvas, 9 ft. 14 in. x 14 ft. 12 in. (275 x 428 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Anonymous Gift, 2017 (2017.291a, b). © Mark Bradford. Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirthbr br br Omari Mizrahi (Ousmane Wiles) received the status of Legend in the House of Mizrahi after ten years of competing in the Vogue Ballroom scene in New York br MetCollects introduces highlights of works of art recently acquired by the Met through gifts and purchases. Discover a new work each month.

User: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Views: 19

Uploaded: 2020-01-30

Duration: 03:23

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