IKEA Announces Overnight Event in Honor of World Sleep Day

IKEA Announces Overnight Event in Honor of World Sleep Day

IKEA Announces Overnight Eventbr in Honor of World Sleep Day IKEA recently announced a competitionbr to participate in an overnight sleepoverbr at their furniture retail store. The IKEA Swede Dreams Sleepoverbr event is scheduled to take place onbr March 13, which is World Sleep Day. Available only to IKEA Family rewardbr members, the IKEA Swede Dreams Sleepoverbr raffle can be entered online, with winnersbr chosen the week of Feb. 24. 20 winners, along with one guest each, will bebr allowed to spend the night at IKEAs located inbr Brooklyn, New York, and Costa Mesa, California. According to IKEA, the event will feature abr number of sleep-related games and activities. This includes an insomniac lounge, br a silent disco and activities focusedbr on achieving the perfect night’s sleep. Other IKEA locations will also br be offering After Dark in-store br events on Feb. 22 from 3 to 9 p.m. These events will include workshops tobr help attendees overcome “sleep barriersbr and achieve a great night’s sleep.

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Uploaded: 2020-02-12

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