Billionaire Warren Buffett Ditches His Flip Phone for an iPhone

Billionaire Warren Buffett Ditches His Flip Phone for an iPhone

Billionaire Warren Buffett Ditches br His Flip Phone for an iPhone The 89-year-old investor was previously br known for his usage of the older device. Buffett, who recently used a Samsung Haven, br says his flip phone is "permanently gone." He now has an iPhone 11, br which makes sense considering his br 5.6 percent ownership of Apple stock. The iPhone is not his only Apple device. br He also has an iPad for checking stocks. Talking with CNBC, Buffett says his iPhone br is one of many people have given to him. Smartphones are able to do many things, but br Buffett adds he is only using it for phone calls.

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Uploaded: 2020-02-26

Duration: 00:51

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