Arizona Governor Says State Is Willing to Host All MLB Teams

Arizona Governor Says State Is Willing to Host All MLB Teams

Arizona Governor Says State Isbr Willing to Host All MLB Teams On April 14, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey revealedbr that the state was very “open-minded” to hostingbr the 2020 Major League Baseball season. Phoenix, Arizona, was reportedly alreadybr among the “contingency plans” being discussedbr by MLB and the player’s association, makingbr Ducey’s offer even more appealing. According to Ducey, the move to begin MLB in the statebr would have to be made at “the right time” in termsbr of being “appropriate for public health.” Governor Doug Ducey,br via ESPN Ducey’s hosting offer includes not onlybr all the necessary facilities for the season,br but also housing for all 30 MLB teams. 10 spring training parks, severalbr college facilities and the Arizonabr Diamondbacks’ Chase Field wouldbr be available for use by MLB. In terms of housing, Ducey said the citybr has “hotel space” available, although br “the metrics and the data” would have to bebr confirmed before moving forward.

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Uploaded: 2020-04-16

Duration: 01:18

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