Donald Trump Says He ‘Strongly’ Disagrees With Georgia’s Decision to Reopen

Donald Trump Says He ‘Strongly’ Disagrees With Georgia’s Decision to Reopen

Donald Trump Says He ‘Strongly’ Disagreesbr With Georgia’s Decision to Reopen Earlier this week, Georgia Governorbr Brian Kemp announced his decision tobr reopen non-essential businesses. Nail salons, massage parlors, bowlingbr alleys and gyms will open April 24, withbr restaurants and movie theaters to follow. Although he previously seemed inbr support of Georgia’s plan, Presidentbr Donald Trump has seemingly reversedbr course, saying it’s “just too soon.” Donald Trump,br via 'USA Today' However, Trump ultimately said that itbr was Kemp’s choice to make and that hebr had to do what he “thinks is right.” Donald Trump,br via 'USA Today' In response, Kemp said he appreciatedbr Trump’s “bold leadership,” but that Georgiabr would stick to its reopening plan. Brian Kemp,br via 'USA Today' According to Kemp, the state’s plan isn’tbr as reckless as it seems, as it will not justbr go back to “business as usual.

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Uploaded: 2020-04-23

Duration: 01:30

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