New York Tri-State Area to Impose Quarantine on Travelers From COVID-19 Hotspots

New York Tri-State Area to Impose Quarantine on Travelers From COVID-19 Hotspots

New York Tri-State Area br to Impose Quarantine on Travelers br From COVID-19 Hotspots The governors of New York, New Jersey andbr Connecticut have joined together to sustainbr the low COVID-19 infection rates in their states. All travelers from COVID-19br hotspots will be requiredbr to self-quarantine for at leastbr 14 days upon their arrival. New York and New Jersey, the former epicenterbr of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States,br are now two of just three states currently onbr track to contain the virus. NJ Governor Philbr Murphy, via NBC According to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, br the quarantine will apply to states that have a br positive COVID-19 rate of 10 percent. It will also apply to states where 10 out of every 100,000br people test positive on a seven-day rolling average. Nine states currently meet that threshold:br Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina,br South Carolina, Washington, Utah and Texas.

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Uploaded: 2020-06-24

Duration: 01:10

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