Qing Wen: Describing Personalities in Mandarin: Part 1 | Intermediate Chinese Lesson | ChinesePod

Qing Wen: Describing Personalities in Mandarin: Part 1 | Intermediate Chinese Lesson | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br In today's lesson, we talk about positive and negative personality trait. We discuss some commonly misused terms and how you can talk about personality traits like a native Chinese speaker.br br Key Dialogue:br 他是一个......的人 (tā shì yī gè . . . . . . de rén) - He is a ..... person.br 他是一个很聪明的人,学什么都很快 (tā shì yī gè hěn cōngming de rén, xué shénme dōu hěn kuài) -He is a really smart person. He's quick at learning anything.br 他总是很开心的样子,我想,他是一个乐天的人 (tā zǒngshì hěn kāixīn de yàngzi, wǒ xiǎng, tā shì yī gè lètiān de rén) - He always looks happy. I think, he must be a really happyoptimistic person.br 他是一个快乐的人 (tā shì yī gè kuàilè de rén) - He is a happy person.br 有耐性、有耐心 (yǒu nài xìng、 yǒu nàixīn) - to have patiencebr 我的老师是一个很有耐性的人 (wǒ de lǎoshī shì yī gè hěnyǒu nàixìng de rén) - My teacher is a very patient person.br 用功、好学 (yònggōng、 hǎoxué) - studious, eager to learnbr 我是一个很好学的人,对各种知识都有兴趣 (wǒ shì yī gè hěn hǎo xué de rén, duì gèzhǒng zhīshi dōu yǒu xìngqù) - I am very eager to learn. I'm interested in all fields of knowledge.br 他是一个用功的学生,总是在图书馆念书 (tā shì yī gè yònggōng de xuésheng, zǒngshì zài túshūguǎn niàn shū) - He is a very studious person, he is always studying in the library.br 大方 (dàfang) - generous or easy-manneredbr 他是一个很大方的老板,总是请我们吃饭!(tā shì yī gè hěn dàfāng de lǎobǎn, zǒngshì qǐng wǒmen chīfàn) - He is a very generous boss, he always buys us dinner.br 你放心,他是一个很大方的人,请他上台讲话没问题的 (nǐ fàngxīn, tā shì yī gè hěn dàfāng de rén, qǐng tā shàngtái jiǎnghuà méiwèntí de) - Don't you worry, he is a very relaxed person. He'll have no problem saying some words on stage.br 活泼、外向 (huópo、 wàixiàng) - lively bubbly; out-going extrovertedbr 他是个活泼外向的人,每次参加派对,总是能跟很多人聊天,认识几个新朋友 (tā shì gè huópo wàixiàng de rén, měicì cānjiā pàiduì, zǒngshì néng gēn hěn duō rén liáotiān, rènshi jǐ ge xīn péngyou) - He is a very bubbly and extroverted person. Every time he goes to a party, he can always chat to loads of people and make new friends.br 他是一个坏心眼的人,老是想着怎么害人 (tā shì yī gè huàixīnyǎn de rén, lǎoshi xiǎng zhe zěnme hài rén) - He is a really evil person. He is always scheming against people.br 我的室友是个很讨人厌的人,我明年不要跟他一起住了 (wǒ de shìyǒu shì gè hěn tǎo rén yàn de rén, wǒ míngnián bù yào gēn tā yīqǐ zhù le) - My roommate is a very annoying person. I don't want to live with him next year.br 我的男朋友是个很小气的人,都不买东西给我 (wǒ de nán péngyou shì gè hěn xiǎoqì de rén, dōu bù mǎi dōngxi gěi wǒ) - My boyfriend is a very stingy person. He never buys anything for me.br 我是个没耐性的人,不喜欢等公车 (wǒ shì gè méi nàixìng de rén, bù xǐhuan děng gōngchē) - I'm a very impatient person. I don't like waiting for buses.br 他是个很无趣的人,跟他讲话真无聊 (tā shì gè hěn wúqù de rén, gēn tā jiǎnghuà zhēn wúliáo) - He is a really boring person. It's so boring speaking to them.br 他是个难相处的人,谁都不想当他的朋友 (tā shì gè nán xiāngchǔ de rén, shéidōu bù xiǎng dāng tā de péngyou) - He is a really difficult person to hang out with. No one wants to be his friend.

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Uploaded: 2020-08-19

Duration: 16:00

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