Won in the Spirit

Won in the Spirit

SCRIPT: “These are some of the most challenging times we have ever witnessed and it may grow darker before we see the dawn. But we have a place of refuge because behind every breath is the power of our CreatorGod that moves that breath, and by His Spirit we can experience our true identity, in unity. So lets’ hold to that Spirit. Lets’ rest in that Spirit and lets’ discern with the Wisdom of God when it is time to be quiet & wait and when it is time to stand and walk confidently and speak our hearts. And until then, let us pray together:br Our Father who art in heaven, holy is your Name.br Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Donebr On earth as it is in heaven.br Give us this day our daily Breadbr And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.br And lead us not into temptation,br But deliver us from evil. Amen.

User: Ann M. Wolf

Views: 11

Uploaded: 2021-01-20

Duration: 01:00

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