PTSD Support Our Time, Our Turn Ann M. Wolf

PTSD Support Our Time, Our Turn Ann M. Wolf

Because losing one is one too br ABOUT THIS VIDEO: It is "Our Time & Our Turn" to offer our support to our veterans & 1st-responders who are in recovery from service-related injuries. Ann M. Wolf narrates a moving message about the anguish which our soldiers & 1st-responders often endure, whether physical, mental, or emotional, as a result of serving in harm's way. The opening segment was written by VIETNAM VETERAN & PTSD healing & recovery facilitator, Joe Doyle, which is read by Ann M. Wolf to the instrumental track of her BB King-style blues song, "I Feel a Song Comin' On," This composition was arranged & produced by Tracy br With the USA losing veterans & 1st-responders to suicide daily, citizens are mobilizing and reaching out to our service men & women to offer a hand of fellowship in the form of amazing & creative programs, events & resources designed to promote healing and recovery for those who have endured some of life's most difficult challenges. It is the goal of thousands of activists, that no veteran or 1st-responder feel alone and unsupported. br br Following the narration, several innovative individuals and groups are mentioned as examples of the many ways that citizens can become involved or that those who need support can find comfort, genuine friendship, and care as they heal. Special thanks to Marine, Joe Doyle for sharing his beautiful commentary with all of us through this video. To learn more about The Warrior Connection, go to: br ARTIST PRESS KIT, IMAGES, BIO & BOOKING: br FREE NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: br PRODUCER - TRACY COLLINS: br NOTE: This Video is offered for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.

User: Ann M. Wolf

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Uploaded: 2021-02-10

Duration: 07:55

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