Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, October 18, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, October 18, 2021

MS. PSAKI: Hi, everyone. Good afternoon. Okay, I have a update for all of you on some of the President’s outreach and engagement as it relates to Build Back Better and his legislative br He spent the weekend continuing his deep engagement on behalf of his economic growth agenda for the middle class, speaking with members who represent the full spectrum of views of Hill Democrats about the pathway forward on both his human infrastructure and physical infrastructure br He spoke, as I think some of you reported, this morning with Representative Jayapal at the White House, and will have a number of additional conversations by phone with members of both chambers and — who also run the gamut in terms of their views — as we proceed through the course of the br Tomorrow, he will host two different meetings with House members here at the White House: one with moderates and one with progressive br We’re encouraged at the accele- — by the accelerated pace of talks and are eager to get this done to meet the urgent needs of families who have been contending with high costs, outdated physical infrastructure, the increasingly devastating threat of climate change, and a tax system that gives special treatment to the rich and corporations at the expense of middle-class families no matter how hard they br As you also saw, we also announced this morning that, on Wednesday, the President will travel to Scranton, Pennsylvania — going back home, some might say — to continue to rally support for his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better br There continues to be strong, broad agreement in Congress and among Americans of all stripes — political stripes — about the values at the core of the President’s agenda: ensuring our economy works for the middle class, not just those at the top.


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Uploaded: 2021-10-20

Duration: 41:10

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