Psaki gets irritated when reporter asks abortion question re Biden and Pope meeting

Psaki gets irritated when reporter asks abortion question re Biden and Pope meeting

Jen Psaki got irritated when a Catholic reporter from EWTN asked about Biden’s abortion stance regarding his upcoming meeting with the Pope: br The reporter quotes the White House saying that Biden and the Pope ‘will discuss working together on efforts in respect for fundamental human dignity.’ He then asks “will that include the human dignity of the unborn?”br br Psaki clearly didn’t care for the question, as her initial response was “Well, Owen, as you know, although you asked me most often, if not every time about abortion…”br br The reporter asked if there was a problem with his question, and Psaki backpedaled slightly saying ‘there’s not, you can ask any question you want’. But it was clear she was irritated because she tried to block him from asking a follow up to her answer.


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Uploaded: 2021-10-28

Duration: 01:43

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