KAMALAWKWARD: Once again a video of Harris that will give your CRINGE reflex nightmares

KAMALAWKWARD: Once again a video of Harris that will give your CRINGE reflex nightmares

Kamala Harris is so painfully cringey and awkward about everything, from her weird and always inappropriately timed laughing fits to her weird attempts at levity or wit, to her bad rhythm and timing, she is just the worst. Not to mention the terrible lying and getting busted for it all the time.br br In the finest Kamalawkward tradition, here’s another video of the VP* doing a bad job at something simple. She can’t even pull enthusiasm from a crowd who is gathered ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF SEEMING ENTHUSIASTIC.br br They CAME there to cheer and she STILL couldn’t get it out of them.br br UGH SHE TRIES TO DO A BIT.br br It hurts watching her. It hurts my insides.

User: www.tranganhnam.xyz

Views: 7

Uploaded: 2021-10-30

Duration: 17:12

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