Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 19, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 19, 2021

MS. PSAKI: Good afternoon. Okay, a couple of items for you today. Not much going on around here, obviously. You’ve all seen the President’s statement we issued this morning on the House passing his Build Back Better Agenda for the middle class, which came just three weeks after the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal also br And since this came through today, I wanted to just highlight and note for the American people a couple of the big benefits that are in this package that we’re looking forward to moving through the br Today, families pay an average of $8,600 per year on pre-K. Under the President’s plan, many of them — most of them — will pay $ br The average family pays 13 percent of their income on childcare. Under the President’s plan, no middle-income family will pay more than 7 percent of their income. Two parents with one toddler earning $100,000 per year will save more than $5,000 per br Under the President’s plan, a family of four earning $80,000 per year will save nearly $3,000 per year — or $246 per month — on health insurance br With this plan, countless Americans will save countless Americans thousands of dollars by negotiating prescription drug prices — for example, limiting cost-sharing for insulin products to make sure they’re no higher than $35, starting in 2023. Insulin is essential for many people around the country. It will cap it at $35. That is a big br And one of the biggest financial burdens on families is housing costs, as we’re seeing around the country. Build Back Better will take historic steps to reduces those costs by helping to build, rehabilitate, or preserve 1 million br Finally, it also reduces the deficit by $112 billion over 10 years. And several economists and analysts from leading rating agencies like Fitch Moo- — Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Analytics have made clear the President’s agenda will not contribute to higher prices. Their findings echo 17 Nobel prizewinners in economics who have already stated they believe the Build Back Better Act will “ease longer-term inflationary pressures.”br br Also wanted to provide a brief update on COVID. Obviously, a lot going on in our efforts to take on the br This morning, as we all saw, the FDA authorized boosters for all American adults six months after primary br The CDC will make the final clinical recommendation, we expect, this afternoon. This is a very encouraging step to further protect Americans, especially as we enter the winter br If you’re one of the approximately 100 million people in this country already eligible for a booster, our recommendation is that you get the extra protection afforded by a booster as soon as possible. They are widely available across the country and br Thanks to the President’s operational planning since August, over 32 million Americans already have their booster, and boosters are available at over 80,000 locations.


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Uploaded: 2021-11-23

Duration: 52:07

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