A Mother’s Pick-Me-Up & A Diaper Bag Meltdown

A Mother’s Pick-Me-Up & A Diaper Bag Meltdown

To all of our moms out there, we all know you need a pick-me-up every now and then. If you ever find yourself in that moment, do yourself a favor and check out this clip of Wendy VerHague. From one mother to another, here’s one way to cure a bad day.br br Next, I think a lot of parents out there will relate to this family. Father of two, Jake, has been married to his wife for seven years now and it seems somehow throughout those years, they have yet to master the packing of a diaper bag and this dad has finally had enough.

User: RightThisMinute

Views: 13

Uploaded: 2022-04-14

Duration: 01:55

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