PNBA Natural Bodybuilder Kayla Rowling: How To Decide Between Flexible Dieting & A Strict Meal Plan

PNBA Natural Bodybuilder Kayla Rowling: How To Decide Between Flexible Dieting & A Strict Meal Plan

PNBA Pro Bikini Diva competitor Kayla Rowling on why she chooses natural bodybuilding and how she handles diet br On June 25, 2022 - the INBAPNBA World Championships is being held in Florence, Italy. It's one of the larger competitions in the natural bodybuilding league giving amateurs a chance to go pro and also pro athletes a chance to qualify for the Natural Olympia later this year. Pro Bikini Diva competitor Kayla Rowling is one such athlete looking to earn qualification. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Kayla Rowling explains her strict diet plan as she preps for the World Championships.

User: Generation Iron Fitness Network

Views: 37

Uploaded: 2022-06-16

Duration: 18:00

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