Coffee Break Series: 4 Ways to Ask for Something | Pre-Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Coffee Break Series: 4 Ways to Ask for Something | Pre-Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br In today's lesson, we will learn about the 4 ways to ask for br Key Vocabulary:br 记录 - jìlù - to record; record (written account); note-takerbr 会议 - huìyì - meeting; conferencebr 麻烦 - máfan - to trouble or bother sbbr 劳烦 - láofán - to inconveniencebr 有劳 - yǒuláo - (polite) thank you for your trouble (used when asking a favor or after having received one)br 拜托 - bàituō - to request sb to do sthbr 业绩 - yèjì - achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc)br 报告 - bàogào - reportbr 过目 - guòmù - to look overbr 采购 - cǎigòu - to procure (for an enterprise etc)br 财务 - cáiwù - financial affairsbr 报表 - bàobiǎo - forms for reporting statisticsbr 请教 - qǐngjiào - to ask for guidancebr 项目 - xiàngmù - item; project; (sports) eventbr 方便 - fāngbiàn - convenient; suitable; to facilitatebr 改天 - gǎitiān - another day; some other time; to find another day (for appointment etc)br br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site br Go to for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Views: 5

Uploaded: 2022-12-22

Duration: 03:15

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