Coffee Break Series: Negotiating the Price | Intermediate Lesson (v) | ChinesePod

Coffee Break Series: Negotiating the Price | Intermediate Lesson (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br In the intermediate coffee break series, we will follow the footsteps of Nick through his adventure in China. Along the way, you will learn important terms and phrases used in business settings, as well as some tips and tricks on dealing with Chinese businessmen. br br In this episode, we finally get to see Nick's negotiating skills! Who is going to take more advantage in this deal? Is it Nick or Mr. Wang? Let's find out in the lesson!br br Key Vocabulary:br 敝公司 - bìgōngsī - my company; our companybr 展示柜 - zhǎnshìguì - display cabinet; display casebr 季 - jì - seasonbr 符合 - fúhé - in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying withbr 需求 - xūqiú - requirement; to require; (economics) demandbr 最小起订量 - zuìxiǎoqǐdìngliàng - minimum order quantitybr 销量 - xiāoliàng - sales volumebr 价钱 - jiàqian - pricebr 折扣 - zhékòu - discountbr 够意思 - gòuyìsi - generous; nicebr 优惠 - yōuhuì - preferential; favorablebr 货真价实 - huòzhēnjiàshí - genuine goods at fair pricesbr 信用第一 - xìnyòngdìyī - reputation firstbr 吃亏 - chīkuī - to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose outbr 看在……的份上 - kànzài...defènshang - Since...; For the sake 忙 - máng - favour; errandbr 满额折扣 - mǎnézhékòu - a discount with minimum purchasebr 限时折扣 - xiànshízhékòu - a limited-time discountbr 会员折扣 - huìyuánzhékòu - discount for members onlybr 优惠价 - yōuhuìjià - preferential pricebr 优惠券 - yōuhuìquàn - couponbr br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site br Go to for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Views: 3

Uploaded: 2022-12-29

Duration: 04:56

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