WE SHALL OVERCOME with Honor & Remembrance of our Politically Persecuted

WE SHALL OVERCOME with Honor & Remembrance of our Politically Persecuted

ABOUT: In the one-minute prelude to Ann’s version of “We Shall Overcome,” historic newsclip shows 200,000 people singing this cherished civil rights anthem together, many decades ago at the occasion of the MLK March in D. C. This leads into three new verses to the song as written and sung by Ann M. Wolf. She felt compelled to write additional lyrics which would honor the song's deep roots in standing for justice, yet reflect our current challenges during these unprecedented times, as our nation and the world struggles to hold to Liberty. A special nod is given to the politically persecuted at the conclusion of the anthem.br br NOTELICENSING: The newsclip of the MLK March & singing of "We Shall Overcome," at the opening of this video appears by license via Pond5. br br TO WATCH SONG & READ LYRICS ONLY (Without documentary clips): br FOR MORE INTO OR TO HELP:br br J6TRUTH - Created by J6er, Jake Lang:br br LEGAL RESOURCES: br PRISONERS RECORD ON TELEGRAM: br SING4FREEDOM General J6 news, plus, post yourself, or join others in singing the National Anthem each night in solidarity with inmates who also sing the Star-Spangled Banner at 9pm EST: PiAnon Website: br LEGAL HELP & STORIES: br WRITE TO INMATES:br Patriot Mail Project on Telegram: br WE ARE GOOD MEN Detainees sharing their own stories: br LETTERS, NEWS & ART from defendants & detainees: br MEL HAWLEYJustice In JeopardyNEWS UPDATES: br AMERICAN PATRIOT RELIEF: SUPPORT HOTLINE: 1-833-SAVEDJ6 (1-833-728-3356) open 247br br HELPING OTHERS IN HONOR OF ASHLI BABBIT: br INFO MOVIES & HELP OPTIONS: br FORENSICS: br WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS: br ADDITIONAL CREDITS:br To God, from whom all blessings flow. We give you honor and thanksgiving for the freedom you have given to our soul.br br Three new verses + song edits by Ann M. Wolf br For Artist Info: br Studio EngineerVocals - Rusty Chambers, Murlin's Music World Studio, Maryville, TNbr br The Video:br Compiled & edited by Ann M. Wolfbr br Images are by license, permission or from what the artist understands are free and public domain sources.br br Special thanks to the artists at Pixabay, Pexels, Pond5, DepostPhotos, and Dreamstime, whose videos and images appear in this production. Please contact the production team for info regarding photo artistry seen in this video.br br Thank you as well to the J6 defendants, their families and supporters for sending many images that are seen in this video.br br Special thanks to my friend Leo Gawroniak and my husband SSG (Ret.) Charles J. Byerly.

User: Ann M. Wolf

Views: 6

Uploaded: 2023-01-08

Duration: 07:44

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