旅行在中国 Traveling in China | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

旅行在中国 Traveling in China | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br Today's Upper Intermediate Lesson is all about 清谈 Online Video Platforms in China.br br Key Vocabulary:br 无边无际 - wúbiānwújì - boundlessbr 前途 - qiántú - prospects; future outlook; journeybr 不可限量 - bùkěxiànliàng - to have no limits to one's achievementbr 对症下药 - duìzhèngxiàyào - to study a problem to find the right way to solve it; to take appropriate stepsbr 患者 - huànzhě - patientbr 治疗 - zhìliáo - to treat (an illness); medical treatment; therapybr 药到病除 - yàodàobìngchú - the medicine takes effectbr 消极 - xiāojí - negative; passive; inactivebr 泛滥 - fànlàn - to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundatebr 追星族 - zhuīxīngzú - groupie (slang)br 平民 - píngmín - ordinary people; commoner; civilianbr 铁粉 - tiěfěn - anti-fanbr 坚不可摧 - jiānbùkěcuī - invulnerable, indestructible, impregnablebr 攻击 - gōngjī - to attack; to accuse; to chargebr br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site chinesepod.com.br br Go to ChinesePod.com for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Views: 14

Uploaded: 2023-01-09

Duration: 04:34

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