清谈 Tips While Living in China - Part 1 | Upper-Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

清谈 Tips While Living in China - Part 1 | Upper-Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br Today's Upper Intermediate Lesson is all about 清谈 Tips while living in China, Part 1.br br Key Vocabulary:br 乞丐 - qǐgài - beggarbr 二维码 - èrwéimǎ - two-dimensional barcodebr 扫描 - sǎomiáo - to scanbr 砍价 - kǎnjià - to bargainbr 标价 - biāojià - to mark the pricebr 成交价 - chéngjiāojià - sale price; negotiated price; price reached in an auctionbr 抬价 - táijià - raise the pricebr 要价 - yàojià - asking price; to ask a price; to demand terms (in negotiations)br 讲理 - jiǎnglǐ - to argue; to reason with sb; to talk sensebr 谦虚 - qiānxū - modest; self-effacing; to make modest remarksbr 进步 - jìnbù - progress; improvement; to improvebr 骄傲 - jiāoào - pride; arrogance; conceitedbr 落后 - luòhòu - to fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backwardbr 偏向 - piānxiàng - partial towards sth; to prefer; to inclinebr 个人主义 - gèrénzhǔyì - individualismbr 移动 - yídòng - mobilebr 支付 - zhīfù - to pay (money)br 电子 - diànzǐ - electronicbr 设备 - shèbèi - equipment; facilities; installationsbr 货币 - huòbì - currency; monetary; moneybr br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site chinesepod.com.br br Go to ChinesePod.com for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Uploaded: 2023-01-23

Duration: 04:01

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