Staying Motivated - Skype Call with Norman Guo | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Staying Motivated - Skype Call with Norman Guo | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br In today's Upper Intermediate Lesson, we have invited a guest speaker, Mr. Norman Guo, to share his experience and learn about some Tips and Tricks in language learning that may help you improve your br Key Vocabulary:br 冲动 - chōngdòng - to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulsebr 深思熟虑 - shēnsīshúlǜ - mature reflectionbr 周全 - zhōuquán - thorough; to bring one's help; to assistbr 考虑 - kǎolǜ - to think over; to consider; considerationbr 动机 - dòngjī - motor; locomotive; motivebr 理由 - lǐyóu - reason; grounds; justificationbr 个体 - gètǐ - individualbr 捆绑 - kǔnbǎng - to bindbr 息息相关 - xīxīxiāngguān - closely bound up (idiom)br 充分 - chōngfèn - ample; sufficient; adequatebr 碎片 - suìpiàn - chip; fragment; splinterbr 积攒 - jīzǎn - to save bit by bitbr 可观 - kěguān - considerable; impressive; significantbr 展现 - zhǎnxiàn - to come out; to emerge; to revealbr 效果 - xiàoguǒ - result; effect; qualitybr 在线 - zàixiàn - onlinebr 普遍 - pǔbiàn - universal; general; widespreadbr 程度 - chéngdù - degree (level or extent); levelbr 克服 - kèfú - (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up withbr 限制 - xiànzhì - to restrict; to limit; to confinebr 联接 - liánjiē - connectionbr 不断 - bùduàn - unceasing; uninterrupted; continuousbr 积极性 - jījíxìng - zeal; initiative; enthusiasmbr 因素 - yīnsù - element; factorbr br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site br Go to for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Views: 5

Uploaded: 2023-01-25

Duration: 05:57

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