清谈 Awkward Encounters | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

清谈 Awkward Encounters | Upper Intermediate (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br Today's Upper Intermediate Lesson talks about 清谈 Awkward Encounters.br br Key Dialogue:br 我们中国人非常喜欢夸赞别人的外貌,外观。br wǒmen Zhōngguó rén fēicháng xǐhuan kuāzàn biéren de wàimào, wàiguān。br We Chinese people really like to compliment on people's appearance.br br 满腹经纶的意思就是肚子里有很多书,就说明你很有文化。br mǎnfùjīnglún de yìsi jiùshì dùzi lǐ yǒu hěnduō shū, jiù shuōmíng nǐ hěn yǒu wénhuà。br Full of intelligence means that you have many books in your belly, which indicates that you are well-educated.br br 你讲话真的是谈笑风生。br nǐ jiǎnghuà zhēnde shì tánxiàofēngshēng。br You are really talkative and humorous.br br 我看你其貌不扬,必有内秀。br wǒ kàn nǐ qímàobùyángbìyǒunèixiù。br I think you are unattractive which means you must be talented inside.br br 很多爷爷奶奶用一种敌视的眼光来看我。因为他们觉得我是渣男。br hěnduō yéye nǎinai yòng yīzhǒng díshì de yǎnguāng láikàn wǒ。 yīnwèi tāmen juéde wǒ shì zhānán。br Many elderly people look at me in a hostile look because they think I am a playboy.br br 门当户对就是我们希望能和自己的生活背景,文化背景,以及年龄都差不多的人结婚。br méndānghùduì jiùshì wǒmen xīwàng néng hé zìjǐ de shēnghuó bèijǐng, wénhuà bèijǐng, yǐjí niánlíng dōu chàbuduō de rén jiéhūn。br It means that we want to marry someone who has a similar living and cultural background, and age.br br 小三指的是那种专门破坏两个人感情的第三者。br xiǎosān zhǐ de shì nàzhǒng zhuānmén pòhuài liǎng ge rén gǎnqíng de dìsānzhě。br It means the person that destroys the relationship between the two.br br 如果电灯泡跟我们一起去约会的话,你就会觉得被打扰了,很多余。br rúguǒ diàndēngpào gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù yuēhuì dehuà, nǐ jiù huì juéde bèi dǎrǎo le, hěn duōyú。br So if a light bulb goes on a date with you, you would feel disturbed and the light bulb is redundent.br br 博理和他的老婆很喜欢晒恩爱。br hé tā de lǎopó hěn xǐhuan shàiēnài。br Pauli and his wife likes to display their love.br br 脱单就是我不再是单身了。br tuōdān jiùshì wǒ bùzài shì dānshēn le。br I means I am not single anymore.br br 男票就是男朋友。br nánpiào jiùshì nánpéngyou。br It means boyfriend.br br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site chinesepod.com.br br Go to ChinesePod.com for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

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Uploaded: 2023-01-26

Duration: 04:42

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