Learn Mandarin From Movies: 囧妈 (Lost in Russia) | Advanced Lesson (v) | ChinesePod

Learn Mandarin From Movies: 囧妈 (Lost in Russia) | Advanced Lesson (v) | ChinesePod

Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: br Learn Mandarin From Movies Series is a push increase awareness of fun Chinese movies that can help you improve your Mandarin Chinese level. br br We are continuing the lesson to an Advanced level featuring the movie 囧妈 (Lost in Russia). br br Released in 2020, this Chinese comedy film can be consider as the third film in the "Lost in" series by Xu Zheng. The film follows the story of an awkward journey to Russia of a manipulative mother and her middle-aged son who wanted to rebel and escape on the K3 train. br br Key Vocabulary:br 争吵 - zhēngchǎo - to quarrelbr 出发点 - chūfādiǎn - starting point; (fig.) basis; motivebr 独立 - dúlì - independent; independence; to stand alonebr 个体 - gètǐ - individualbr 完整 - wánzhěng - completebr 控制 - kòngzhì - control; to exercise control over; to containbr 索取 - suǒqǔ - to askbr 接纳 - jiēnà - to admit (to membership)br 尊重 - zūnzhòng - to esteem; to respect; to honorbr br Thank you for watching! For the FULL version of this video together with the complete lesson, visit our site chinesepod.com.br br Go to ChinesePod.com for more great lessons and videos!br ===================================br Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of ChinesePod.

User: ChinesePod (Official)

Views: 26

Uploaded: 2023-01-31

Duration: 05:28

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