Praising Silver 【Silvaze Comic Dub】

Praising Silver 【Silvaze Comic Dub】

English Fan-Comic drawn by Skittikyu : Original ''Finally, I did something right !'' -Silver Comic : br Do not steal, repost, or reuse this comic unless you got the author's permission. I got permission to use this Contact me or the author to get The author has allowed this comic to be monetized on this channel. br br Cast : br mliz99 as Silver the Hedgehog : Thea Solone as Blaze the Cat : (Edited by Angiix08 & uploaded on Cloudy Chao Dubs)br br Finally woke up and did a silvaze video.

User: Angiix08

Views: 13

Uploaded: 2024-04-05

Duration: 00:24

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