How to Help Someone Suffering From PTSD (National PTSD Awareness Day)

How to Help Someone Suffering From PTSD (National PTSD Awareness Day)

How to Help Someone br Suffering From 1. Provide social support, Do "normal" things like hobbies and exercise br with your loved one and follow their 2. Be a good listener, Avoid being judgmental, but don't br give easy answers 3. Rebuild trust and safety, Make plans and keep them, establish br a routine and minimize stress at 4. Anticipate and br manage triggers, Ask them how they've coped in br the past and make a plan 5. Deal with volatility and anger, Remain calm and ask how you can help. br Be safe — leave the room or ask for help if 6.

User: Wibbitz Top Stories

Views: 121

Uploaded: 2024-06-27

Duration: 00:55

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